
Fazbear vs Guenther: Death Battle

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

Kiryu: Alright, the combatants are set. Let's end this debate once and for all.

Gwangi: It's time for a Death Battle!!!


“Are you sure this is a good idea?”

The man asked this as the boat he was on came up to the shoreline of the island. The company he worked for had ordered him and several other men to this island to drop something off, at least for the night.

“No,” The captain of the boat admitted. “But we got no choice. Boss wants us to drop him off here until the crack of dawn.”

“What in the hell for?”

“Christ knows.” The captain glanced down at the cargo on their ship, shuddering in clear fright. “But lemme tell you, I'd be much happier with this guy activating here on this island than on this boat.”

The other man couldn't help but feel the same way. Still, he didn't feel right about this...”What if there are people on this island?”

“It's not our problem,” The captain responded with a shrug. “We can't be held responsible for any deaths going on here. Now c'mon and give me a hand here.”

With a sigh, the man moved to assist the captain. The men grabbed beneath their cargo, grunting in clear effort as they struggled to lift him out of the boat. Both looked away in disgust and fear from who they lifted. The smell was horrid, and the stare frozen on his face was unnerving as hell.

Finally, they managed to drop him upon the sandy beach, the delivered cargo slumping forward with his head tilted to the right.

“Christ he's heavy,” The captain said, wiping his hands on his pants. “Now let's get out of here.”

Unsure of whether or not they were doing the right thing, the other man complied, as the boat headed off across the water, quickly disappearing into the night as they left behind their cargo.


He emerged from the ocean, droplets of saltwater falling from his body as he stood tall. Stepping forwards, he left the lapping waves behind him, studying the new land before him. Yes, this would do. Flaring his nostrils, he smelled the air, catching the smell of the sea, as well as the scents of various animals nearby.

There was one smell that, far off on the other side of the island. It smelled like death, blood from flesh that seemed to have died and decayed a long time ago. For a moment, he took in this strange scent, before he quickly shook it off. It didn't matter. He now had a new place to live and hunt on. Nothing would change that. He'd make sure of it.

Walking slowly across the ground, he looked up to see a blue heron standing ahead in a tidal pool, taking notice of how it only had one wing. Flexing his claws, he crouched forward, then charged, raising up his steel claws to strike...


Darkness coated the environment as Simon Chase and Tall Man reached Osprey Island. The sky overhead was but a blanket of black, dotted with shimmering stars. On the island, the lights of Amanda's little house shined clearly.

Simon brought the boat up to shore, the high tide assisting in him doing so, while Tall Man stood in the bow and shined a flashlight on the land before them.

Nothing seemed out of place. A raccoon feeding on a fish was exposed by the light, the animal's eyes glowing red as the light came upon it. A fox fled from the light, disappearing into the underbrush. If anything, only the sea lions had been agitated, rocking back and forth on their flippers as the pinnipeds huddled by the mouth of their den.

“Maybe it turned north,” Tall Man said after a moment of studying the land. “Napatree would've been closer for it than here.”

“I hope,” Simon responded. “I still wanna get Amanda and the kids into town...just in case.”

“You know she won't wanna leave her sea lions.”

“I know. I don't plan on giving her a choice.” Simon had made up his mind before he and Tall Man arrived at Osprey Island. If there was a chance, even a remote possibility of that creature arriving on this island, Simon would evacuate the place. They could return tomorrow with the police and as much heavy weapons they could get their hands on, and scour the island from end to end to find the creature.

After a moment of circling the island, and finding no sign of the thing's presence, Simon brought the boat to the dock. He turned off the motor and stepped off the boat, looping the bow line over a cleat. “Stay here,” Simon said to Tall Man. “I'll go get them.” With that, Simon turned and headed up the trail to the house, disappearing into the dark.

For a moment, Tall Man stood upon the dock, slowly looking around as he took in the sights and sounds. He listened to the slow lazy waves on the shore, the birdcalls and the crickets echoing in the night. Suddenly, the Indian paused, getting the distinct feeling that something, missing in some way. Glancing around the surrounding land, Tall Man soon realized just what he felt was missing. The heron. Where was Chief Joseph? Normally by this time, the bird would be standing in the water by the dock, demanding food with his irascible glare. Glancing over the side of the boat, Tall Man found the cove to be completely engulfed in darkness. He couldn't see a thing. So he returned to the boat, fetched the flashlight, and shined its light upon the cove.

Chief Joseph was gone. Where did he go? Looking around, Tall Man swept the light over the land, trying to spot any sign of the heron. Spotting a tangle of brush, the Indian spotted a blue-gray feather amidst the foliage. Walking up the path, Tall Man parted the brush with his hands. Strange. His hands felt...sticky. Glancing down at his hands, Tall Man shined the flashlight upon his fingers, only to see them covered in blood. Yanking out a clump of brush, Tall Man opened a clearing and looked down.

There, lying in the dirt, was the heron's head. It had been ripped off from its neck, and its eyes were gone.

Panic took over Tall Man, the emotion flooding his chest. Turning, the Indian ran up the path, towards the house.


12:00 AM.

His eyes shined brightly.


“Because there AREN'T any guns,” Simon said in response to Amanda's question. “I don't like them. I've never kept any here.”

Simon and Amanda were standing in the kitchen as they talked. Max and Elizabeth sat on the floor, having been playing War with a deck of cards when Simon had come in to tell them what was happening.

“I can't leave the sea lions, Simon,” Amanda responded, her arms folded across her chest as she spoke. “They're like my children. I can't do it.”

“You have to. We can't defend ourselves here. If that thing comes ashore here-”

“I won't go. You can take the kids and bring them to town, and Tall Man and I can stay here. We can bring the big boat to the dock, and I can try to bring the girls aboard, and-”

“It's here!” Tall Man shouted those words as he ran through the door, quickly slamming it shut and locking it after doing so.

Startled, Max repeated Tall Man's words for Elizabeth.

“Where?” Simon asked in surprise.

“I dunno,” Tall Man responded. “But it killed Chief Joseph. It's here, Simon. Somewhere.”

Simon glanced at Max and Elizabeth for a moment, processing Tall Man's words. “We can't leave then,” Simon said after a moment.

“Why not?”

“We don't dare take the chance. It could be anywhere. Suppose it's in the bushes by the dock.”

“It would've jumped me.”

“Maybe not, maybe you're too big, but it'd sure as hell go after the kids.”

Amanda suddenly turned and headed towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Simon asked.

“To get the girls, to bring them up here.”

“Are you NUTS?!”

“They'll follow me. I'll be quick about it.”

“I don't care. It's pitch black out there. Three hundred yards both ways. You'll never make it.”

“I have to.” Amanda unlocked the door at this point. “I'll stay out in the open. I'll be able to see it coming.”

“They're ANIMALS, Amanda!”

“Not to me.” Amanda gestured to Max and Elizabeth as she spoke. “And not to them.”

“I won't let you go,” Simon stated firmly.

“You can't stop me.”

“Yes I can.” Simon started to step towards Amanda. “If I have to, I'll tie you down.”

“Stop it, Simon.” With that, Amanda opened the door and ran out, closing the door behind her. Simon raced to the door and looked out, but Amanda was already rounding the corner of the house, the woman running down the lawn to where the sea lions were being kept.

“Well shit,” Tall Man just said, before he turned and walked up by the sink, pulling a butcher knife from a rack over the sink, slipping the blade into his belt and taking the flashlight from the counter where he had put it.

“And where are you going?” Simon now asked.

“Maybe you were right, Simon,” Tall Man responded. “Maybe it won't go after six feet of redskin Terminator.” And with that, the Indian stepped through the door and was gone.


Heavy footsteps could be heard as he walked through the brush.

Alarms were going off in his head, alarms that warned him of a dangerous man somewhere on this island. Though he was not fully upgraded like his more child-friendly counterpart, he still retained enough of his other's technological means of detecting criminals, and so he sensed a being of a volatile nature nearby.

But the details provided by were confusing, or at least he assumed the target in question was human. While the 'man' did not wear any purple uniform, he still seemed to possess qualities and motives that were simply unacceptable in this place. Though he had quickly found he was nowhere near his usual establishment, he sensed there were people nearby, including adolescents, and he could not allow this 'man', assuming he was a man, to bring harm to them.

And so he continued his trek through the foliage, solely focused on the task at hand.


Tall Man had managed to catch up with Amanda as the woman was running halfway down the hill, the man explaining to her he was coming with her and why, and now he walked side-by-side with Amanda, the two looking around carefully.

They heard a bark, and then several more-frantic, high-pitched, filled with fear.

“No!” Amanda shouted, before she started running again. Tall Man tried to catch up with her, but she was lighter and quicker than the Indian, and so the best he could do was maintain a distance of ten feet between them.

Amanda reached the pool first, Tall Man stopping beside her. The barking of the sea lions was much clearer now, a cacophony of shrieks, but in the darkness they couldn't see them. Lifting up his flashlight, Tall Man shined the light towards the sounds.

Two of the sea lions were huddled against the side of the equipment shed, rocking on their flippers as they barked hysterically. Tall Man swung the light to the right.

Something was crouching by the rocks of the far side of the pool, something huge and grayish white. Only its massive back could be seen, for its head was bent out of sight. But as the light fell upon it, the thing rose to its full height and turned around.

Amanda screamed. Tall Man felt his heart jump and adrenaline surge through his veins.

It was as tall as an ape and as gray as ash. Through the blood that covered its face they saw the glitter of steel teeth, and from the gore on its hands, long steel claws. Its body was hairless; the sinews in its limbs stood out like whips. Where once there had been genitals, now there was but a crudely stitched patch of mottled hide. Its eyes, as the light struck them, gleamed like reflectors.

Behind the thing lay the partly eaten corpse of a sea lion.

The thing opened its mouth, let out a glottal roar, and took a step forward.

The sound of another footstep was heard, but one not made by the thing.

Something was approaching to the human's left, something tall and vaguely human shaped. Though it couldn't be seen, its eyes glowed brightly in the darkness. Tall Man flashed the light upon the newcomer.

It looked like a bear, or rather, a robotic child-friendly image of a bear. It was brown in coloring, its eyes blue as it gazed upon the life forms before it. Atop its head was a black hat, and upon its neck was a bowtie. Black buttons ran vertically down its chest.

The bear's jaws slowly opened, and a baritone, yet refined, voice rang out, a clear filter being heard.

“Hello, boys and girl-gi-girls,” Freddy Fazbear said, his voice glitching as he talked. “Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza-Pi-Pi-Pizza. There's plenty of games to pla-play, and there's lots of pizza-pizz-pizza to eat. Come join me and my ba-band, with my friends Bonn-Bo-Bonnie and Ch-Chi-Chi-Chica. I assure you all, you're going to lo-love it here.” Freddy slowly looked towards the gray creature at this point, his head twitching slightly as he spoke.

“Hey there, sir, bu-but we don't take kindly to peo-peo-people breaking the ru-rules.” Freddy's voice suddenly fell low into an almost demonic tone, now longer glitching as he talked. “Especially not heartless murderers like you. I will make you feel the pain you've inflicted on all your victims, and then, when you truly understand what you have done, I will shut you down. Forever.”

The White Shark narrowed his eyes at the sight of Freddy. He cared not about what this...thing was saying, it was clear the newcomer was a challenge, and one he would have to get rid of.

Heinrich Guenther rolled forward onto the balls of his feet, raising up his hands and baring his claws as he faced Freddy. The animatronic bear stood unafraid, simply glaring at his amphibious foe.

“C'mon!” Tall Man said to Amanda.

“But, but I...” Amanda remained frozen where she stood.

“C'mon!” Tall Man said again. “We gotta warn them! C'mon!”

After a moment, Amanda complied, running alongside Tall Man back up the hill. The sea lions, meanwhile, took this opportunity to escape as they quickly crawled away towards the sea.

Freddy Fazbear and the White Shark stared each other in the eye, both refusing to back down from the inevitable confrontation.

“So tell me,” Freddy stated coldly. “Are you ready for Freddy?”


With a snarl, the White Shark lunged forward, raising up his claws as he raced for his foe. Freddy braced himself as the Creature jumped into the air, bringing his right arm swinging down towards Fazbear. The shark man's claws struck the robot in the chest, sparks flying as the steel blades cut through the outer layer of the machine's body, leaving a series of minor gashes down the animatronic's chest.

Angered by the ineffectiveness of his attack, the White Shark pressed his assault, swiping away with his claws. Sparks kept flying each time Heinrich struck his robotic opponent, the force behind the blows making Freddy stumble back slightly.

As the White Shark took a step forward, Freddy suddenly decided to retaliate, the machine springing forward with a piercing shriek. Taken by surprise, the White Shark was unable to put up any defense as Freddy's right hand gripped his throat tightly. Lifting his opponent into the air, Heinrich kicking and struggling, Mr. Fazbear pulled back his arm, before he hurled his opponent forward, sending the Creature tumbling across the ground for a moment.

Pushing himself back to his feet, Heinrich let out another roar as he charged again, but this time Freddy was ready for him. Leaning forward, Freddy suddenly dashed forward, easily closing the distance between himself and the White Shark faster than the shark man had anticipated. As soon as he reached his foe, Fazbear suddenly turned slightly to the left, bringing his right shoulder smashing into the White Shark's chest, sending the amphibious killer stumbling backwards. Snarling, Heinrich swiped forward with his right arm, but Freddy caught the incoming limb, gripping the upper part tightly.

Turning around, Freddy lifted the White Shark into the air, hurling him across the ground and sending the amphibious man falling upon his back. Growling angrily, Heinrich managed to roll onto his chest, pushing himself upwards as he glared at his opponent.

Jumping forwards, the Creature let out a guttural roar as he spread out his claws. This time, Freddy did not charge, but rather put up his dukes and brace himself.

Heinrich's claws met Freddy's forearms, sparks flying once more as the blade cut across the steel coating, leaving several thin cuts across the limbs. As soon as the White Shark pulled back his arm, Freddy's left fist met his face, sending the shark man's head jerking sharply to his left. Raising up his right arm, Freddy then socked Heinrich once more in the face with a right hook, making the Nazi-bred killer stagger back. Pressing his assault, Mr. Fazbear then gave Heinrich the boot, lifting his right leg up and kicking the maneater hard in the chest, toppling the White Shark onto his back.

Stepping forward, Freddy raised up his left foot and proceeded to stomp upon his opponent's chest again and again, his metal foot slamming hard against the pale skin. Groaning in pain and anger, the White Shark decided he had enough, before his hands shot upwards, catching Freddy's foot just as it was about to strike him again. Snarling through clenched teeth, Heinrich began to push upwards, Freddy applying more pressure to overcome his opponent. After a moment of struggling, the White Shark managed to rise to a kneeling position, shoving hard against Freddy and making him stumble backwards.

Rising to his full height, the Creature let out a snarl, daring his foe to continue the battle. Freddy merely glared at his cannibalistic opponent, making it abundantly clear he was not backing down.

Sprinting forward, Freddy raised up his left arm, swinging it forward in an overhead strike. The White Shark barely had enough time to raise up his arms in an X shape to defend himself, only for Freddy's forearm to strike his right shoulder, nearly making the killer fall over as he stumbled back. Clenching his fists, Freddy proceeded to punch away at his opponent's midsection, loud smacks filling the air as the machine's fists struck pale flesh. Shoved backwards by the assault, Heinrich snarled bitterly and retaliated, swiping away at his metallic foe with his claws. For a moment, both combatants traded blows with each other, Freddy's fists slamming against Heinrich's body and face while the White Shark's claws raked themselves against Freddy's frame, sparks flying every time steel cut across steel.

Suddenly, Freddy swatted aside an incoming swipe from the White Shark's claws, before he leaned sharply forward, slamming his forehead into that of the White Shark's in a fierce headbutt. Heinrich stumbled backwards, clearly stunned by the blow as Freddy seized the opportunity. Swinging his fists wildly, Freddy punched away at Heinrich's face and chest, each blow making the shark man stumble back. Finally, Freddy wrapped up his assault with a fierce uppercut, slamming his right fist into the White Shark's chin and sending him falling upon his back.

Managing to roll away from his foe, Heinrich stood back up, the shark man glaring furiously at Freddy. Mr. Fazbear simply glared back, never taking his eyes off the White Shark as the amphibious killer slowly circled him. Flexing his claws, the Creature considered his options. He wasn't going to allow this thing to best him. He'd try whatever option was available to come out on top.

Charging forward once more, the White Shark managed to swing his left arm forward, slashing Freddy's right shoulder and part of his chest, leaving several more cuts in his wake. Raising up his left arm, Freddy shot his fist forward, punching Heinrich in the chest and forcing the Nazi shark man to step back. Lifting up both his arms, Freddy lunged forward, another screech escaping his open maw as he came right at his foe. Metal hands grabbed hold of Heinrich's throat, squeezing tightly as the cannibal was lifted into the air once more. Without pausing to give his foe a chance to retaliate, Freddy then turned to his left, chucking his opponent towards the hill. The White Shark ended up colliding hard with the ground, before he managed to scramble to his feet, watching as Freddy took a step towards him.

Not wanting to give him another chance to attack, the White Shark jumped into the air, a loud battle cry escaping his throat as he landed atop Freddy, sending the animatronic falling upon his back. With his knees resting upon Freddy's chest, Heinrich began to slash and slice away at his opponent's face and chest with his claws. Everytime his steel claws struck the steel that made up Freddy's body, sparks would be sent flying, and numerous gashes would be left upon Freddy's frame.

After a moment of this, however, Freddy suddenly gave the Creature a right hook to the face, sending the killer falling away from Freddy and rolling to his feet, just as Fazbear stood back up. Snarling, the White Shark charged again, only for Freddy to leap forward, landing right in front of his opponent and catching him by surprise. Swinging his fists forward, Freddy sandwiched Heinrich's head between his fists, dazing the shark man long enough for Freddy to punch him in the face. The Creature fell back from the blow, landing upon his back and allowing Freddy to continue his assault.

Stepping upon the White Shark's body, Freddy clenched his fists tightly before he began punching away upon his opponent's body, each strike leaving a clear bluish-purple bruise on the flesh of the White Shark. Upon the sixth strike, however, the Creature grabbed onto Freddy's left arm, before he opened his jaws and bit down upon the arm. Though he growled in disgust at the metal taste, Heinrich applied more force into his bite, his steel teeth digging into the steel arm.

Stepping back as his opponent gnawed on his arm, Freddy grabbed onto the shark man's neck and squeezed tightly, attempting to strangle his opponent. Initially. Heinrich fought through the strangulation, biting down harder on his foe's arm, even as a few of his teeth broke off. After a moment, however, the White Shark's throat was crushed to dangerous limits by Freddy's iron grip, forcing the killer to open his jaws as he grabbed at Fazbear's hand. With his arm now free, Freddy lifted his opponent into the air, before he tossed him away, disregarding the few teeth still embedded in his arm.

Snarling angrily, the White Shark stood back up, glaring at Freddy as he did so. Hearing the sounds of lapping waves behind him, Heinrich glanced over his shoulder to see the shore behind him. His opponent was certainly a challenge on land, but perhaps in the water...

Turning all the way to the sea, the White Shark ran for the water, Freddy sprinting after him in pursuit. As he ran, the Creature felt the ground beneath him become wet mud as he neared the water. Just a bit more and he would be in his element.

Unfortunately for Heinrich, Freddy was not going to make it easy for him. As the White Shark, he suddenly felt a fist smashing into the back of his head, sending him falling facefirst into the mud. Before he could rise, Freddy's hand gripped the back of his head, before the animatronic bear lifted him up and smashed him facefirst into a nearby rock sticking upwards from the mud. Blood trickled from the gashes formed from Heinrich's face slamming into the rock, staining the minerals in front of the combatants. Freddy lifted up the White Shark by the back of his head once more, before he once again made the Creature's face meet the boulder, the shark man being smashed into the rock. While his right hand held onto Heinrich's head, Freddy's left arm raised up, before Mr. Fazbear started punching away at his foe's head. The White Shark gaped in shock as concussion began to settle in, the amphibious cannibal struggling to remain conscious.

Pushing his hands against the boulder, the White Shark managed to shove against Freddy's grip. In response, Freddy increased the speed of his blows. Blood now began to fill Heinrich's eyeballs, the crimson fluids starting to trickle from his nostrils. In desperation, adrenaline surging through his veins, the Creature suddenly stood up and spun around, decking Freddy across the face with a fierce right hook. The strong blow nearly toppled Fazbear over as he struggled to regain balance on top of the wet mud. Reaching down, the Creature scooped up a handful of wet mud, before he stood up and hurled the mud at his foe, the soaked minerals splattering across Freddy's face and covering his eyes.

As Freddy paused, momentarily distracted by the sudden loss of vision, the White Shark ran forward, the Nazi-bred killer lowering his body and ramming his robotic's foe's legs and sending him falling forward. As Fazbear fell upon the mud, sending a small wave of the dirt flying away, Heinrich turned, reaching down and grabbing hold of his opponent, his steel claws digging into the metal body. Grunting with effort, the shark man struggled to lift Freddy into the air. His opponent was heavier than he thought.

After a moment, though, the White Shark succeeded in heaving his opponent upwards, nearly falling back as he struggled to keep his balance. Snarling, Heinrich took a step forward, before he hurled Freddy forward, the animatronic flying briefly through the air, until he fell into the water with a splash, water flying upwards from the impact. Panting from the effort, lactic acid flowing through his muscles, Heinrich ran into the water, determined to take his foe out in his element.

With the mud washed away from his eyes, Freddy saw that he was in a whole new environment. Water completely surrounded him, and he was sinking like a stone. Saltwater was seeping into his body through the gashes on his body, and if he didn't do something soon, surely the sea water could do some serious damage. As soon as his feet landed upon the seafloor, Freddy started to walk across the ground, aiming to reach shore as he was several feet underwater.

No sooner did he try walking out the water, though, did the White Shark come charging for him, the amphibious Nazi shark kicking his feet out like a dolphin as he swam towards the machine. Slamming into Freddy, the White Shark bit down upon the bear's head, his claws digging into his sides as Fazbear found himself being dragged further away from the water. This was the White Shark's element now, and the cannibal was taking full advantage of this.

Releasing Freddy from his grip, Heinrich swam away from his foe, only to suddenly turn around and lunge past the animatronic, slicing his foe's side with his claws. Freddy turned to face his opponent, only to receive another slash to his frame. This repeated itself for a moment, the White Shark swimming past his opponent whilst slashing open his side with his claws. Saltwater was seeping into the gashes being formed by the Nazi shark man, and it was only a matter of time before the H2O would severely damage Freddy's inner workings.

Swimming at his foe again, the White Shark this time slammed straight into Freddy, knocking him upon his chest, the amphibious killer standing upon his robotic foe. Swiping with his claws, the White Shark hacked and slashed away at his opponent's body, more and more gashes being created across Freddy's frame. Mr. Fazbear struggled beneath his foe, but in his current position he was unable to grab for his foe. After a moment of this, Heinrich swung both his hands downwards, stabbing his claws into the metal on Freddy's back. Digging in his claws, the Creature yanked back hard, tearing off a pair of steel chunks from his opponent's back, revealing the inner parts that made up Freddy.

Tossing aside the metal chunks, the White Shark reached down to cut apart the inside of Freddy, but Fazbear managed to swing his right arm back, elbowing the killer in the face and making him back off. The animatronic took advantage of this as he rose to his feet and turned to face his opponent. Mr. Fazbear swung his right fist at the White Shark, only for Heinrich to jump backwards in the water, swimming around his opponent in a circle.

Freddy was a sitting duck down here in the water, and his injuries were allowing the surrounding saltwater to slowly begin to damage his insides. It was time for the animatronic to take things up a notch.

Flexing his claws, Heinrich began to swim at his opponent, ready to rip him open-


The White Shark halted in his tracks. Flashing images were going off in his vision, images of words and Freddy's head. The killer also saw the head of something he could not decipher, a thing that looked similar to Freddy, but purple and with longer ears and empty black eye sockets. All the while, Heinrich could hear strange, incoherent words speaking to him, filling his tympanic membranes and blocking out everything else.

The flashing images were disorienting the White Shark, leaving him dizzy and unable to focus. Standing upon the seafloor, Heinrich brought his clawed hands over his head, curling over as he shut his eyes tightly. The images kept on flashing, the strange words still ringing in his ears. It was overwhelming.

Finally, the hallucinations came to an end, and the voice stopped speaking. Slowly standing back up, Heinrich opened his eyes...

Just in time to see Freddy's fist meet his face.

The punch not only broke the White Shark's nose, but it caused him to fall backwards in the water, blood flowing from his nostrils and filling the water around him. Freddy started to move forward, only for the Creature to swim away, his head breaking the surface as the shark man backed up onto shore. The waves splashed around Heinrich's feet, the Nazi cannibal watching on as Mr. Fazbear exited the sea, saltwater falling from his frame.

Snarling, the White Shark crouched forward and ran at his mechanical opponent, Freddy raising up his arms in preparation for his incoming foe. As the distance between the combatants came to a close, Freddy swung his right arm forward, Heinrich just barely able to swing up his arms in defense. The shark man caught Fazbear's incoming fist with both hands, straining against the animatronic's mechanical might.

For a moment, the bear and the shark strained against each other. The White Shark shoved hard against Freddy's fist, but the animatronic simply kept pushing forward with his right arm, nearly bringing his amphibious foe to his knees. Lactic acid surged through Heinrich's muscles, a grand soreness engulfing his flesh as he struggled against his opponent. The Creature was becoming exhausted from this battle. Never had he been pushed to such limits in a confrontation like this. He felt his strength starting to leave him as he struggled to keep his foe's fist back.

Freddy, on the other hand, felt no exhaustion. No sense of tiredness, nor any feeling of needing to rest. He just kept shoving against his foe, aiming to bring him to the ground and finish this battle once and for all.

Amphetamine and adrenaline surged through the White Shark's veins. The cannibal's heart began beating faster and faster, pumping blood through his body at a quicker rate. Getting his legs beneath himself, Heinrich began to push harder against Freddy's fist, beginning to overcome his foe. Sensing this, Mr. Fazbear put more force into his fist, but now he was losing ground.

After a moment of this, the White Shark managed to shove Freddy hard enough to send him stumbling backwards, the bear's feet splashing in the ankle deep water. Letting out a glottal roar, the White Shark ran for his opponent. Regaining his balance, Freddy swung his right fist forward again, only for Heinrich to swat aside the incoming blow with his claws. Without wasting a second, the Creature punched his mechanical foe in the chest, making him step backwards on the shore. Leaning forward, Freddy swung out his foot for a kick, but the White Shark once more countered by kicking Freddy in the shin, shoving his leg back and canceling the attack. Pain shot up the shark man's foot, but in his current state, Heinrich paid no attention to it.

Stepping forward, the White Shark shot his right leg forward, kicking Fazbear hard in the chest and making him stagger back. Reaching forward, the Creature swung his left arm forward, raking his claws across Freddy's forearms as the animatronic raised them up in defense. With a snarl, Heinrich lunged at his opponent again, ramming him hard in the chest with his left shoulder, sending the animatronic bear toppling upon his back, a small wave splashing over his frame as he fell upon the water.

Slowly rising to his feet, Freddy decided that a head-on battle wasn't working out so well. It was time to bring the fight into his element.

Snarling, Heinrich charged forward, ready to sink his claws into Freddy's body-

The hallucinations came back, the flashing images and the strange voice engulfing his vision and ears. Staggering back, the White Shark slapped his hands over his ears, howling out in frustration as his eyes closed shut. After a few seconds of this, though, the hallucinations went away, allowing the killer to open his eyes, expecting to see Freddy lunge for him, only to see...


Freddy was gone.

For a moment, confusion filled Heinrich's mind as he looked around the area. Where did his opponent go? Did the machine decide to flee the battlefield?

No, the White Shark could hear his taunting laugh a fair distance away. Looking ahead, the White Shark saw two faintly glowing lights, the lights seemingly looking down upon him.

Freddy's eyes.

Flexing his claws, the Creature ran towards his opponent, ready to carve him open.

As he ran through the foliage, trees and brush surrounding him from all sides, though, the White shark could not find his foe. He could hear Freddy's laughter echoing through the land, hear his footsteps as the bear moved through the brush, smell his odor. But he simply could not find him anywhere.

The White Shark was playing a deadly game of cat and mouse. And Freddy Fazbear was the cat.

More flashing images filled the Creature's mind, giving him pause, but not as strong as before. It was a taunt, a challenge to face Freddy in the dark. Anger filled the White Shark as he marched through the foliage. He would tear the damned bear's head off by the end of this.

As he walked through the brush, the White Shark looked ahead into the darkness. Narrowing his eyes, he could see something slowly moving through the foliage. Yes, there was Freddy! Heinrich had him now! Flexing his claws eagerly in bloodlustful excitement, the White Shark for his foe, eager to tear him apart-

Freddy suddenly sank to the ground, vanishing in an instant.

Stopping in his tracks, the White Shark watched on in confusion. What just happened-

Phantom Freddy suddenly rose up right in front of the White Shark, letting out a piercing shriek before quickly vanishing. Heinrich jumped back in shock...and suddenly found it very hard to breathe. Gasping for air, the shark man wrapped his arms around his chest, wheezing as his body struggled to take in enough oxygen. To make matters worse, his vision kept flickering into darkness, rendering him effectively blind. He had no idea where he was.

Falling onto his hands and knees, the White Shark kept gasping and choking, his lungs aching and his brain sending alarms as he was feeling dizzy from the depleted oxygen intake. Even so, however, Heinrich could hear approaching footsteps, knowing exactly who it was.

As Freddy came closer, the Creature could hear a jingle coming from the animatronic, seemingly coming straight from a music box.

Looking up to his left, the White Shark could only see Freddy's flashing eyes, the animatronic looking upon him as the music kept playing.

Suddenly, the lights flickered off, the music coming to an abrupt halt. Sucking air into his lungs, the White Shark pushed himself to his feet, staggering as he regained his balance.

A long pause.

There were no sounds amongst the Nazi cannibal. No cricket chirps, no bird calls, nothing.

And then Freddy attacked.

Springing forward, a horrific shriek escaped Freddy Fazbear as the animatronic spread his arms wide. Even in the darkness, Heinrich could see Freddy's rapidly approaching frame.

In that instant, Heinrich's heart skipped a beat as a new emotion filled his soul.


This...thing, this machine, made the White Shark feel fear.

Unable to run away, the Creature could only jump back just enough that Freddy's open jaws didn't close upon his head. Instead, they closed around the skin on his chest. Though his teeth weren't sharp and his jaws not very long, the sheer force behind Freddy's jaws was more than enough to tear through the flesh. As blood came gushing out, Freddy pulled his head back, tearing off a large strip of skin straight from Heinrich's chest. A howl of agony escaped the shark man as he stepped back, blood cascading down his abdomen and staining it red.

Pausing, the White Shark looked down upon his chest wound. Blood was steadily flowing down his body, the crimson dripping to the ground below and staining it red. The fluids felt warm on Heinrich's skin. Breathing in deeply, the Creature took in the smell of his blood. His hands clenched into fists. Fear was replaced by determination. Determination fueled by anger.

Anger bringing upon madness.

Springing forward, Freddy Fazbear let out another cry as he rushed for his foe. Swinging out his arms, Der Weisse Hai roared out in bloodlust, standing ready for his mechanical opponent.

Both killers slammed into each other, striking away at each other with blows that would leave a man laying limp on the ground, letting out a gurgling cry for mercy as his life exited his body, his blood puddling beneath him as darkness engulfed his mind. Neither killer of man was to back down in this duel to the death. They would fight until their foe received the same fate as so many of their victims have. Even if they themselves would collapse and move on to the afterlife from their own injuries.

Swinging with his claws, the White Shark attempted to slice open Freddy's body to show the world what makes the bear tick. Mr. Fazbear, though, kept blocking each and every incoming blow with his raised arms, the clang of steel of steel ringing out in the night sky. As they dueled, Freddy proceeded to slowly walk forwards, each step making the White Shark move backwards, sweat dripping down his pale body.

After a moment of this, Heinrich felt his back come into contact with a tree. Were he capable of speech, he would've cursed at that moment at Freddy moved in for the kill. In desperation, the White Shark swung his right arm at his opponent, his claws at the ready...

Only for Freddy to catch his claws in his hand.

Shocked, the Creature could only watch as Freddy tightened his grip on his claws. With a twist of his wrist, the bear broke the steel claws in two. Pulling back his arm, the White Shark saw that the claws on his right hand were broken off at the base, with only the claw on his thumb still intact.

Anger pumping adrenaline through his flesh, the White Shark drove his left claws into Freddy's chest, the steel blades sinking into the metal up to the base. Reaching forward, Freddy grabbed onto Heinrich's arm with his right hand, whilst his left hand gripped the shark man's throat and squeezed tightly. This time, though, the White Shark refused to relent, as the amphibious killer began to walk forward, pushing Freddy across the ground. Freddy tightened his grip, threatening to completely crush the White Shark's throat, but the cannibal refused to relent.

With a sudden shove, the White Shark sent Freddy falling upon his back. Prying Fazbear's hand away from his throat, Heinrich began to slash and punch away at his robotic foe. Freddy tried bringing up his hands to defend himself, but this was in vain as the shark man swatted aside his opponent's hands. His claws created sparks with each successful slash upon Freddy's steel body, while his fist kept striking Mr. Fazbear's frame, but was unable to seriously damage anything.

One spark stood out from the other sparks that were sent flying. This one was larger and glowed more brightly as it landed upon a blade of grass nearby. The spark didn't flicker and die. Instead it grew bigger and brighter, soon becoming a small flame. It didn't take long for the fire to spread across the grass, the burning bright color crawling up the trunks of the nearby trees, the plants burning as smoke began to fill the air.

Bringing up his right arm, Freddy managed to punch Heinrich in the face, knocking the shark man away and allowing the animatronic bear time to begin to rise. Unfortunately, the White Shark did not give him time to fully stand, for the shark man charged forth, bringing his right shoulder forward and ramming Fazbear in the chest, slamming him into a tree trunk. The fire spread around the combatants, reaching more of the surrounding foliage as it burned everything in its path.

Paying no attention to the flames, the Creature lifted up his left arm and shot his hand forward, his claws sliding around Freddy's right eye. Grabbing on tightly, Heinrich pulled back, tearing Fazbear's eyeball from its socket. A loud shriek escaped Freddy at this. Not one of pain, of course, but rather one of outrage. This killer has gone too far. He must be stopped.

Freddy wouldn't get the chance to earn some payback, though, for Heinrich's left hand covered his face, while the shark man's right hand grabbed Freddy's thigh. Straining with clear effort, the White Shark lifted Freddy overhead, and in one single motion, hurled him towards the growing fire. The animatronic struck a burning tree, sparks flying as the flames began to encircle the bear. Seizing the chance, Heinrich charged at the tree, ramming it with his shoulder as hard as he could. The force behind the ram was just strong enough to send the tree toppling down upon Freddy, the plant landing upon the bear's back as fire engulfed the organism and machine.

Stepping back, the Creature watched on as the fire grew and spread. Freddy's shrieking cry was drowned out by the roar of the fire, and soon, the shark man heard only the crackling growl of the fire.

For a moment, Heinrich Guenther panted heavily, feeling the adrenaline rush leave him, and the pain of his injuries became much more noticeable. Numerous nasty purple bruises covered his body. Dried blood covered his nose, with blood still flowing from his chest. His throat hurt whenever he breathed, and the smoke in the air was making it difficult to take in oxygen.

He didn't feel weakened by his injuries. He felt strengthened, invigorated by this triumph. He had faced a worthy opponent, not merely something to kill, but a true challenge. His wounds meant nothing. He would survive and recover.

Now he no longer felt any need for caution or safety, for now he felt the sense that he was now invincible.

Looking off into the distance, past the surrounding fire, he saw a single light. Light meant shelter. Shelter meant there were more enemies, and more enemies meant more opportunities for destruction.

Leaning into the hill, disregarding the fire that kept on spreading, the White Shark began to venture up the slope, not concerned with time. Time meant nothing to him. He was immortal.

As the shark man walked, he couldn't help but glance over his shoulder. He saw the flames as they moved onto more and more foliage, but there was something else. Something he had glimpsed out of the corner of his eye, but when he looked around, he saw nothing but burning plant life. The killer paused for a moment, his mind trying to process what it was he had seen.

It had been small, with sharp pointed teeth that seemed too big for its mouth to contain, and curved claws. Thinking over about it, the White Shark couldn't but feel that it seemed very familiar. It looked very much like-

Pain shot up his back, as he felt his flesh become sliced open. Stumbling forward, he spun around in disbelief, eyes wide with shock and even a little fear as he witnessed the return of his fallen foe.

Freddy looked different this time. His gashes and other injuries remained, including his missing eye, with now was but a black hole with a glowing light in the center. Now however, he had taken on a more monstrous look. Sharp metal teeth jutted out from his jaws. His hands ended in curved claws made of steel. Within his body were numerous smaller versions of himself, all bearing pointed teeth and claws themselves.

Nightmare Freddy.

Seemingly grinning sadistically, the twisted image of a children's idol spoke in a taunting, flat out demonic voice, enticing the White Shark to continue the battle.

The Nightmare has just begun...

With that, the duel of the man-made killers had resumed.

Charging forward, Freddy and the White Shark clashed once more, swiping forth with their claws. Freddy's blades cut through the pale flesh of Heinrich, blood flying with each slash. The White Shark's claws scraped across Freddy's body, leaving more gashes in the process, though he was handicapped with his broken claws. Both foes continued to carve into each other, blood from the shark man splashing upon the two as they kept up their brawl.

Finally, Freddy swatted aside the White Shark's incoming claws as he lunged forward, a demonic shriek piercing Heinrich's ear drums as the Nightmare attacked. Freddy's jaws came upon the White Shark's right arm, his teeth piercing deep into the flesh. Pain like a thousand, no, a million knives cutting into him at once shot up through out Heinrich's nerves. Out of desperation, as he felt Freddy's jaws begin to reach the bone within, the White Shark leaned forward, biting down upon Freddy's right ear and pulling back, tearing the ear right off from the joint.

In response, Freddy tore out a good mouthful of the White Shark's flesh from his arm, blood spraying outwards and covering Freddy's face. Stumbling back, breathing sharply inwards in response to the pain, Heinrich looked up, only to see Freddy kicking him hard in the abdomen, making the killer nearly fall over as he stumbled backwards. Pressing his assault, Freddy swung his left arm forward, raking his claws across the Creature's face, damn near hitting his eyes in the attack.

Howling like a true animal in agony, the White Shark slapped his hands over his face, blood flowing from between his fingers. A mocking laugh escaped Freddy, the Nightmare letting his right fist fly into the White Shark's abdomen, sending the cannibal falling upon his back.

Anger and fear confronted one another within the Creature's mind. His opponent had become much more dangerous now, and was still fighting at full strength, while he himself was weakening from the amount of blood he was losing. Even with his newfound belief of his immortality, he was unsure of whether or not to continue this battle.

His hands clenched tightly into fists.


The White Shark sat up, standing up to his full height as Freddy watched on.

No, he wasn't going to let this machine bring him down. He wasn't going to run away like a coward. He was Der Weisse Hai, and he shall win this conflict.

Roaring out to the heavens, adrenaline once more pumping through his body, the White Shark charged forth, Nightmare Freddy letting out a battle cry and charging as well.

As soon as they reached one another, Freddy brought his shoulder slamming into the White Shark's chest once more, making the shark man stagger back. In retaliation, the Creature raked his claws across Freddy's face, returning the face as his claws left numerous deep gashes on Mr. Fazbear's face. Lunging forward, the organism and the machine locked hands and shoved against one another. Both foes were not going to give up by this point. They would battle to the end of time were it possible.

Snarling, Freddy lunged forward, his jaws wide open and aiming for his opponent's face. Eyes wide in shock, the White Shark pulled his head back in time, though Freddy's teeth did cut through the flesh on his nose. Angered, the Creature reeled his head back and swung it forward, headbutting Fazbear hard in the face. Though the action left his head throbbing in pain, the attack was enough to distract Freddy, allowing the White Shark to swing the animatronic to the ground.

His knees sitting upon Freddy's chest, the White Shark began to punch away at his opponent's face, each blow making Freddy's head jerk to the left or the right. The Nazi cannibal was starting to see red as he kept on punching. He wanted to keep Freddy's head as a trophy by the end of this, as well as take a good long rest after this ordeal.

Pain shot up from his side, though, distracting him and making him halt his assault. A miniature Freddy was biting into his flesh, its claws cutting into his skin. Taking advantage of this, Freddy slugged the White Shark hard in the face, making the killer tumble away and allowing the Nightmare to rise to his feet.

The fire kept on burning, spreading through out the island during the duel. Neither combatant took notice, though. They just focused on killing each other.


“Why can't we just run?!” Max practically screamed. The boy looked pale, as though he were about to pass out. “It can't catch us if we run, not all of us.”

“No Max,” Simon firmly responded. “I don't want that thing, or that robot Tall and Amanda saw, to catch any of us, especially not you and Elizabeth.”

The humans were all huddled in the kitchen, hiding after Tall Man and Amanda returned to report about the robot bear that had arrived and no doubt was clashing with the creature.

“Well, what do you expect us to do?” Amanda asked, fear controlling the tone of her voice. “We can't go anywhere, and we can't hide.”

Simon just took in a shaky breath, struggling to remain calm, something of which was proving to be very difficult by this point. “I know. The best we can do is just wait and hope those things kill each other.”

Tall Man looked out the window, his eyes widening in horror, but he looked towards the others. “There's a fire spreading!”

Standing up, Simon and the others looked out the window. Indeed, they could see the fire spreading across the land, though not in their direction.

“How the hell did that happen?!” Simon asked in disbelief.

“Look!” Max said, pointing forward. “I think I see them!”

Indeed, amidst the burning fire, there were two distinctive shapes dueling with one another. It looked like something out of a film of surrealism.


The White Shark fell to the ground, having been thrown by Freddy. Scrambling to his feet, the Creature stepped back as Freddy approached him. No matter how many times the shark man had struck the bear, the Nightmare just kept coming, ripping open the killer's flesh and making him look red instead of pale gray. Now the Creature struggled to keep steady in his balance, the great amount of blood loss he was suffering making it difficult for him to focus.

Nightmare Freddy let out a laugh as he clawed at the White Shark's chest, spilling out more blood and making the amphibious killer stumble back. Victory was at hand, and he was going to enjoy it.

Spreading out his arms, Freddy let his mini selves come charging forth from his body. The Mini Freddies lunged right for the White Shark, biting into his flesh and tearing out chunks of flesh. Letting out a yowl of unrestrained agony that would unnerve any within hearing range, the Creature desperately swatted and tossed away the small animatronics, but the little Nightmares kept on attacking, ripping out more and more of the killer's flesh, even exposing the bone within.

Finally, the Mini Freddies ceased their assault, scurrying away as Heinrich fell to his hands and knees. Blood was gushing from his many new wounds. His heart was beating dangerously slowly. He could hardly remain awake. He was just so weak. He could no longer keep up the battle.

Sitting back, the White Shark looked around for his opponent, finding him to be nowhere in sight. The flames came closer and closer, the smoke being created almost enveloping as the oxygen was sapped away out of Heinrich's reach.

The Mini Freddies came back, standing before the White Shark, twitching as they gnashed their blood-stained jaws.

Then, the miniature Nightmares dissipated as Nightmare Freddy reappeared, a howling cry of victory escaping his throat as he lunged forward.


Swinging his left arm forward, Freddy embedded his clawed hand into Heinrich Guenther's stomach. This time, so much blood had been lost that none flowed out. The White Shark could no longer resist as he was lifted into the air. His mouth hanging open, the once feared killer closed his eyes, accepting death.

Granting Heinrich's wish, Nightmare Freddy lunged forward, biting down upon his foe's face, engulfing his upper jaw and head. With a clench of Freddy's jaws, flesh and bone were torn asunder.

Heinrich Guenther never felt a thing.

Pulling back his head, Freddy revealed the work he had done. The entire upper part of the White Shark's face was gone, revealing the inside of his skull, with the half of the brain still inside sliding out and flopping to the blood-stained ground. Pulling out his hand, Freddy opened his jaws, letting the twisted ball of mangled flesh and bone fall to the ground with a splat. Heinrich Guenther's lifeless body fell back, slumping in a sitting position.

Nightmare Freddy let out a victorious laugh, the flames surrounding him all the while. It was an eerie sight, one that shall forever remain engraved in the minds of the humans witnessing the finale of the battle between two killers made for mankind's own usage.



Gwangi:...Holy shit.

Kiryu: The White Shark was more experienced in combat, possessed greater intellect, and held the obvious edge in the water. However, he is still human, at least partly in the novel. He may have higher limits that regular humans, but he was still bound by the natural limitations his body had.

Gwangi: That wasn't so helpful when his foe is someone who doesn't give a shit about things like serious injuries or such.

Kiryu: We must remember that Freddy Fazbear is a machine. He does not have any blood to risk losing, he does not breathe, and he does not exhaust himself from going all out. While the White Shark can eventually tire out like any living creature can, Freddy is able to keep using his physical ability to his best without ever tiring out.

Gwangi: Sure the White Shark is strong enough to rip apart humans, but the FNaF animatronics can easily restrain a full grown human and shove them into a suit clearly not designed to be worn by people, sprint from one end of a building to another in an instant, crush skulls and tear through brains with their jaws, and keep on functioning even while in a clear state of decay.

Kiryu: Freddy was around even in strength with Heinrich, and he was easily faster. And since Freddy's most likely made up of heavy steel parts, as well as capable of surviving in a withered state, it can be argued that he's more durable than his opponent. It doesn't help that the White Shark has no armor and is rather lacking in speed feats.

Gwangi: And then there's the hallucinations, as well as Phantom Freddy. Those things would ruin the Creature's day like no other, disorienting him and leaving him struggling for air and with fleeting vision, making him a prime target for Freddy.

Kiryu: In the end, while the White Shark was a formidable foe, being bound by his own organic makeup left him struggling in an uphill battle.

Gwangi: I ain't even got a witty joke here, this was just awesome!

Kiryu: The winner is Freddy Fazbear.

Freddy Fazbear close-up animated by Kiryu2012
Freddy Fazbear
+Even in strength, much faster, and arguably more durable
+Hallucinations quite useful, especially Phantom Freddy
+Nightmare Freddy boosted Freddy's chances
+Not bound by the limits of an organic being
-Less experienced in combat
-Could potentially lose this if brought into the water

White Shark
+Even in strength
+More experienced in combat
+Could potentially win if the battle took to the water
-Outclassed in speed
-No armor
-No defense against the hallucinations
-Would eventually weaken from his injuries and exertion
-Would not try to protect himself once he thought of himself as invincible
Just in time for Halloween. Hope you guys enjoy it!
© 2015 - 2024 Kiryu2012
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llorigene's avatar
you know.... this stuff is why i want to right death battles.

the thing is i simply do not have any patience whatsoever. on top of that, even though iv'e bean hear for an entire year now, i'm still pretty new to deivanart. 

honestly though, i think i'm better off at this rate.